
Below I've listed some really awesome resources that have assisted me in developing an rsps. Some of the repositories will be updated forks from the community as they have added features/updated functionality. You can always find the original from the forked page.

Grahams Archive

The OpenRS2 Archive is a collection of caches and XTEA keys for all versions of RuneScape (<= JS5). Submit your old RS caches to see if its missing!

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Grahams OpenRS2

OpenRS2 is an open-source multiplayer game server and suite of advanced tools to collect and modify game data.

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Polars Archive

A collection of caches from RS continuously updated starting at revision 163. Includes cache, gamepack, params and xteas.

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Polars Decompiled CS2s

A list of decompiled CS2 from the latest RS cache. It can be hard to understand the RuneScript, but useful to see new functions.

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Displees Cache Library

A library written in Kotlin to read and write to different RS caches. Very lightweight and easy to create your own functions.

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Displees CS2 Editor

An editor built on top of Vincents compiler/decompiler. I linked my fork with 206+ support. Check other forks, people are always making updates.

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RSPSi Map Editor

An easy to use map editor supporting multiple different caches from all revisions. This is an updated fork from Kris with support for early 200+ caches.

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Valkyrs Cache Editor

A tool created by ReverendDread to edit cache archives with a JFX interface. This fork is from shadowtea updated to support 200+ caches.

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Scapes Editor (317)

A RuneScape 2 cache editor which can read/modify file system data c. 2005-2007

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RSAM (317)

A tool designed to help you access and modify the 2005-2006 RuneScape file system

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OSRS Environment Exporter

A tool to export OSRS environemnts to be used in 3D modeling progams (Blender) made by ScoreUnder & ConnorDY

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OSRS Gamepack Jar Deobfuscator

A tool created by Kyle Escobar (forked from a matcher by sfPlayer1) that deobfuscates and refactors OSRS gamepack client jars with revision updating support

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